The MagicLand Chronicles

Free Short Stories from the MagicLand timeline. Find the full list here.

The MagicLand Chronicles
Image licensed from Shutterstock; Photo smashup by author; all rights reserved

This is a list of stories from the MagicLand Chronicles. Free short stories involving characters who do not appear in the novel but are part of the 2,000 year timeline leading to the events of the novel, MagicLand.


The Dragons Amongst Us

Charles Bastille • Jan 25, 2024

… a species that has achieved complete mastery over genetics. Some say these beings live in the cylindrical moon, others say they dwell beneath the earth. If they exist, nobody has seen them. But evidence sometimes emerges with a destructive, mysterious force.

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Charles Bastille • Jan 25, 2024

She looked across the lake at sculptures morphed from the ruins of old steel mills. Hammond, Indiana, she thought. That used to be Hammond. Her dad had taken her fishing here as a child. Wolf Lake had its charms during her childhood despite being in the middle of old industrial parks. The bluegill always looked fat and happy, even as they flopped on the …

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The Fires of Easterly

Charles Bastille • Jan 25, 2024

Some say it’s been two hundred years since the Third Eradication. I don’t know. How would I? I don’t keep a calendar. I don’t have a way to tell time aside from the sun’s location against the burnt trees. I can tell you the day, the month, the time of year. But I can’t tell you what year. I don’t know anybody else who knows, either. If it mattered, I sup…

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The First Reckless

Charles Bastille • Jan 26, 2024

This short story takes place about 1700 years before the events of my debut novel, MagicLand. The characters in this story do not appear in the novel.

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The Death of Charlie Hollywood

Charles Bastille • Jan 26, 2024

I I’ve got about, oh, I dunno, maybe twenty million in crypto. But nowhere to spend it. The magicians have hacked the net. How do magicians hack a net? They’re magicians, not hackers. I don’t get it. I spend most of my time dodging eradi…

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The Behavior Scale

Charles Bastille • Jan 27, 2024

Author’s note: This short story takes place more than 2,000 years before the events of MagicLand and before The First Eradication. The characters in this short story do not appear in the novel. Part One I work for Google. I know, right? So, breathe deep, and don’t get your yarbles in your mouth about it. And no, you aren’t my droog and I can’t change your …

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The Graft Queen

Charles Bastille • Jan 27, 2024

Eureka Mounds felt his heart race as he ran under the ancient bridge. The bridge was covered in vegetation and vines, but he could see concrete railings that must have been designed to keep Old Earth vehicles from crashing to his current vantage point.

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Where Is MagicLand?

Charles Bastille • Jan 27, 2024

The storms this year have been even worse than usual. This means, of course, that survival hinges more on luck than things like skill, or shelter, or even the ability to wage combat with bandits, thieves, and marauders. It doesn’t help that the Gath relentlessly hunt those of us who are descendants of non-augmenters.

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The House of Nadab

Charles Bastille • Jan 27, 2024

This story is set nearly 2,000 years before the events in the novel MagicLand. “It’s not another pandemic,” says Gareth as he winds a long, loose thread from the sleeve of his flannel shirt tightly around his wrist. This has the effect of creating a wrinkled plaid funnel aimed at his worn, black hand.

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There’s an App for That

Charles Bastille • Jan 27, 2024

Apparitions. Ghosts. Angels. Demons. All living among us, but nobody really sees them. Until now. The story of how I created an app that captures the images of these beings is one born out of an accident. It happened during what some people call The Eradication.

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Mary Catches Fire for Free

Charles Bastille • Mar 6, 2024

Chance is so old she wears her skin as if it could all peel off tonight in her sleep. But her stories make us happy enough we’d die to protect her. And her peeling skin. “For centuries, our people were at the mercy of The Gath,” she is telli…

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The Wanderer

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

Nothing remains of Pittman. As we watch its remnants smolder, I know deep in my soul that every one of us has the same picture in our mind, that of the grand and stately old hall, a stubborn old man of a building frowning at its more modern surroundi…

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The Cesspool Mermaid

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

She looked at me with a battered, peeling face that expressed such forlornness that the treachery of sadness was crushing my heart. “I’m not from here,” she said. “I’m just some psycho’s invention.” She was a mermaid. And when she looked up as she said this, I knew where the psycho liv…

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The Futurists

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

“Hi, Tom,” I said to the stranger walking past me on a sidewalk colored by an animated carpet made from this year’s autumn leaves. Continuing his gait, he looked at me and asked, “Do I know you?” as leaves danced and swirled around his passing steps.

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Scarlett’s Kitchen

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

Scarlett’s an old Black lady who ain’t never worn a stitch of red clothing in her life, far as I know. She don’t even like that color. Red. I know this because I’m her husband. I’m an old white man, Scarlett’s age, been with her these fifty-five years now. When people ask, we like to joke that we are both about eighty years old but we ain’t sure. We

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The War Dogs of Lamar

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

Duke tears into a fellow pit bull’s neck while Rocket, a thicker than normal Doberman, launches his jaws into one of its hind legs, sloppily severing it like it’s nothing more than a dried branch of pine.

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Welcome to You+

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

A special guest post by Tom Bandolier, CEO of Geneticsys, Inc. You may not have heard of us yet, but You will soon. My name is Tom Bandolier, and I started You+ because for years I’ve been burrowed deep in the world of genetics and robotics working on creating a better me.

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The Return of PeeWee Secaucus

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

“I don’t have time for a case like this.” I was running down the hall. Papers were trying to escape my closed, tan briefcase. Micah followed me into the courtroom. Sometimes, interns are like dogs. The little yapper kinds, not the cool big ones. “Go away,” I said to her as I popped open my briefcase, trying to bring order to my paper mess as my one good …

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The Dragons of Sierra

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

It is a time of conflict. A never-ending war between magicians and augmented humans known as The Gath. Now, a new menace threatens both races. A menace from the sky, created by the refugees living in the Cylindrical Moon. This is the prologue to a novella (still in progress) that will be part o…

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Princess Time Slut Visits Costco

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

Princess Time Slut had to travel to the future 432 times before she was able to declare herself Queen of America. But she didn’t want to be a queen, so she told the media that she insisted on remaining a princess. “Queens,” she told CNN, “get old. I shall not. You’ll see.” Everyone called her the Queen of America anyway.

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The Cutting

Charles Bastille • Mar 7, 2024

1 Charon grabbed Gabby’s small wrist like it was about to fly away. “That’s not for you. Let go of that.” The little girl let go. Charon snatched the knife from the table and walked it over to Peyta. “What’s wrong with you? You know better than that.” She dropped the knife in front of her startled sister.

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