Restive Souls — Moriarty's Tale

An excerpt from the novel Restive Souls, an alternative history novel about a great African nation rising on North America's East Coast

Restive Souls — Moriarty's Tale
Original photo of people worshipping by Luis Quintero via Pexels — photoshopped by the author

It’s late night here in Atlanta, so perhaps you will see this in your inbox in the morning! My alternative history novel, Restive Souls, is actively searching for a home through literary agent queries and submissions to smaller publishing houses that don’t require submissions from literary agents.

You can read a long excerpt by clicking on the button below, which will download a PDF version.

The excerpt tells the tale of Sylverius Moriarty, the Captain of the HMS Ramillies during the first battle of Charleston, which in our timeline the colonies won, but in the Restive Souls timeline, the British win thanks to Moriarty’s relationship with a freed slave named Finneas Jewell, a gifted coppersmith and seaman.

It’s got romance, action, and is a bit subversive. In other words, something for everyone.

If you’re not familiar with my work, readers have commented that my writing reminds them of C.S. Lewis, Jonathan Swift, and Harlan Ellison.

Personally, I’d compare my stuff to whoever makes the most grammar and spelling boo-boos, but we writers are pretty hard on ourselves.

Download the free excerpt here (PDF via Amazon AWS):

I’m also happy to offer a pre-release version of the FULL novel to paid subscribers. It’s the first of what will soon be a steady stream of looks into my newest works of fiction, including a new novel in the MagicLand series and a novella(?) or novel (?) about a minor league baseball umpire who becomes embroiled in a national gambling scandal.

Also coming soon: pre-release chapters of Soulmate, a supernatural romance. Again, only for paid subscribers.

If you’re not a paid subscriber, you can either click below for a free trial or punch this button for your ticket to some exciting fiction that I have a feeling you may be hearing about one way or the other (so you may as well be one of the first through the door!):

Restive Souls

Restive Souls Pre-release

Charles Bastille • Apr 8, 2024

This nearly 500-page epic has been a labor of love for nearly four years. I am making a pre-release version of Restive Souls available to paid subscribers for a limited time. To see the link for it, please become a paid subscriber. You’ll get access to changes to the novel, as well as previews of other upcoming work such as the next book in the

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As always, thanks for reading!

~ Charles