I’m going to take advantage of the open comments section on this post to let you know how much I’m enjoying your work. Both your fiction and your political commentary are engaging, beautifully constructed and fairly addictive! Not sure if it shows in your metrics or not but I’ve spent the entire day gorging myself on your posts.. When I’m a bit more stable I plan to become a paid subscriber, but for now, just know you have a new, fired-up, fan!

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Wow, thanks a lot! I really appreciate the comment. I'm still feeling my way around Substack and the posts default to "paid commenters." I will try to remember to change that moving forward. It's not by design that only paid commenters are able to post. I just forget to switch it over. Thank you for the appreciative note and the encouragement!

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I like your writing. Again. Thank You!

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Thank you!

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Jul 18
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You're not wrong. Section 2 of the 25th Amendment. I don't know what the current advantage of Republicans is in the House but it's a small margin. A moderate VP might wiggle through. If not, the certification problem is a real one, but what happens if the results aren't certified? A constitutional crisis, I suppose, but they can't exactly inaugurate the person who didn't win.

It's all one big clusterf*ck no matter how we slice and dice it.

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