Real Men Are Voting for Kamala: A Letter to Men
Also, news flash: Trump is not a man's man
Programming Note: unlike most of my political posts, this employs liberal use of raw language. Gotta talk to my audience!
The first time I lifted weights in college, the barbell fell on my teeth because my spotter was (probably) looking at women. It didn’t stop me.
I was probably 130 pounds soaking wet. Five years later, I was 70 pounds heavier with no help from steroids or any of that powder shiz. It was all bench pressing and deadlifts and good breathing techniques. And determination.
Earlier, I made the varsity football team in high school as a freshman wide receiver. I tore my Achilles heel, but I stayed on the team even though I lagged behind the offensive linemen running sprints for two years after my injury. I was toast as a wide receiver, but I liked the hitting drills (some who know me will tell you that this is very evident in how my brain works) even though I was light as a feather.
I don’t know if any or all of that makes me a manly man. I don’t know, for example, if I’d be a coward in war. I’ve never been in one. But I can say that I never tried to dodge out of one by claiming I had bone spurs in my feet, and, even though I’m an owned lib, I still consider John McCain’s residency in the Hanoi Hilton an unmistakable mark of courage.
So if you’re a manly voter looking to compare two Republican political dudes, don’t you gotta pick the Hanoi Hilton guy over Captain Bone Spurs every time? What are we even doing here?
It could be, though, that you and I have different views on courage. Maybe, to you, courage is grabbing her by the pussy or sexually assaulting her, or watching while someone else does it. That’s not my idea of fun, but if it’s yours, then Trump probably deserves your vote.
And I won’t discount that there may be many more men like this than I want to accept in my reality. After all, there’s a reason that women often say they prefer taking chances with a bear alone in the woods than a chance encounter with a man in those same woods. These kinds of thought exercises don’t happen in a vacuum.
If you’re a fan of Andrew Tate, or even get off on horror flicks where women are chased around and slaughtered or subject to body horror, this post is probably not for you. You’re a lost soul. There’s not much to be done for you. Go ahead and vote for your guy.
Just know what you’re getting yourself into with your dumbfuckery.
Be aware that he’s at the end of his shelf life. If you listen to him speak, you won’t get much out of it. He makes no sense. He prattles on relentlessly with a bizarre mix of grievance, lies, and error.
Those little snippets would be big news if they shat out of anybody’s piehole other than Trump’s. But stuff like that dumps out of his mouth daily, so they don’t make headlines. The press is numb to his overwhelming stupidity.
If you think Trump is normal, you’re not listening to his speeches. Kamala has told you to attend one or two of them because the truth will immediately manifest. Do it. Go to YouTube and listen to the man talk during a live speech.
If you’re going to vote for this imbecile, the least you can do is sit through an entire campaign speech. It doesn’t matter which one. He always sounds like your great, great uncle who hasn’t had a day of sobriety in fifty years. Trump is said to be a teetotaler. Okay, sure.
But something made that brain wet.
Anyone in the late stage of whatever mental illness he is suffering would turn loose a hell on this nation that will probably leave you either homeless or dead if he ends up in the Oval Office again. The world’s most famous word salad tosser’s first go-round in the presidency cost us a million deaths from a pandemic he ignored, and his mental faculties were probably significantly less hampered than they are today.
If you need a refresher on the timeline of the Trump Virus, here it is:
The timeline presents irrefutable evidence, through Trump’s own words during the pandemic, that he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing or talking about at any stage of the pandemic. The timeline is irrefutable evidence that he never took the pandemic seriously. It is irrefutable evidence that he took some actions that encouraged the pandemic’s growth early on. It is irrefutable evidence that the inflation Americans have complained about is all on him through his lethal mismanagement of the pandemic crisis.
Trump doesn’t solve crises like presidents are supposed to. He creates them.
By the time he sort of pretended that he cared, deaths were mounting exponentially every day. Someone you know may have died. Someone you know is likely suffering from long-term COVID, even if you aren’t aware of it. Hell, maybe you are.
President Obama said it best when he mentioned that it was his economy you enjoyed in the early days of the Trump presidency. The economy was good despite Trump, not because of him.
Bad enough Trump arranged his huge tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. Now, he wants to impose a national sales tax on you, too.
He calls them tariffs. He wants to impose these tariffs on every good imported into the United States. If you think inflation was bad during Biden’s first year, just wait, brother.
Do you think those egg producers that import a variety of ag-related production equipment are gonna just absorb their high costs?
You want a fancy new TV? Better run and buy one the moment Kamala loses this election because they’re going up 40%.
All because you dipshits won’t vote for a woman.
And since he wants to deport every goddamn immigrant with a non-European name, you’re going to see federal camps with razor wire dotting the countryside instead of the wind farms we really need (because he says wind is bullshit, remember?).
I’ve seen a common thread promulgated throughout this campaign that somehow some of you need more information on Kamala’s policies.
Bullshit. For one thing, there’s plenty out there. Try the Google machine.
Oh, right. Real men don’t research. Fine. Here are a few of her more important policy proposals:
Expand Medicare to cover long-term at-home care services. If she passes this, maybe you won’t have to sit in a long-term crazy old Trump voter guy facility when you peak past the inevitable day you can’t wipe yourself anymore, assuming you can sucker some family member into taking care of you at home.
Limit the price of insulin to $35 for every patient, not just seniors, and cap prescription drug costs for Medicare patients at $2,000 per year.
As vice president, she already was the point person for removing medical debt from credit reports. Were you one of the 30 million people who benefited from this?
Smash private equity home ownership to pieces. She understands that private equity assholes like the kind Trump has on speed dial have contributed mightily to the housing crisis. She wants to churn out 3 million new housing units in four years through $40 billion in tax incentives for homebuilders while addressing the stranglehold private equity has established on single-family homes. Those house-flipping TV shows may be fun, but she intends to do something about private equity firms that do that crap on a mass scale.
Give buyers up to $25,000 toward a down payment on their first home. What? Where was this program when I bought my first home?
Ban price gouging. How? I dunno, man. But she raised all kinds of hell in California on companies gouging the public. I’m happy enough waiting on the details if my brothers can resist voting for a moron.
Expand the IRS’s start-up expenses deduction from $5,000 to $50,000. Boom! Watch the economy go bonkers after that, brother.
Establish provisions such that one-third of all federal contract dollars go to small businesses. Is that possible given how much federal contract money goes to the defense industry? Probably not. But it’s a proposal. It will get watered down, especially if Republicans manage to retake the Senate. It’s also a good start.
Boost investment in community-development financial institutions that help low-income, minority, and rural business owners who may not be able to get loans through traditional lenders
No new taxes on Americans making less than $400,000 per year. This means, too, no crippling sales tax like Trump wants to impose on the nation.
Implement a 25 percent minimum income tax on households with a net worth over $100 million. Come on. Nobody needs $100 million. If it was me, I’d collect everything over $50 million. Every damn penny.
Increase the tax on stock buybacks to 4 percent. Remember Trump’s corporate tax cuts? A majority of companies simply pocketed the money with stock buybacks instead of using their windfall for investment or R&D.
Raise the long-term capital-gains tax rate from 20 percent to 28 percent for individuals who earn $1 million or more. Okay. Honestly? That won’t even fly through a Democratic Congress, but I had to mention it since it’s among her proposals.
Return corporate tax rates to normal levels in line with rates that have been proven by history to contribute to the kind of government services that any civilized nation requires. Government is not a business. Only immature voters think the government should be run like a business. The government runs programs that will never turn a profit. You can’t, for example, turn a profit by building roads or policing human behavior or monitoring wind gusts. A real man will say, “This government service will never make a penny, and I’m fine with it.”
Full throttled support for abortion rights. Even if you don’t give a shit about this, trust me, the women in your life do. Unless you want to be bludgeoned in the middle of the night by a woman whacking you with one of those big black iron skillets, you should just chill and vote for Kamala. Real men don’t let themselves get taken out by iron skillets.
Believe it or not, there’s more. Try that Google machine. It works great still, believe it or not.
Now that you’ve seen her policies, I’m here to tell you that they don’t mean a damn thing because if you’re a real man, you’ll face up to the fact that this isn’t a policy election. It’s an election between a cowardly nutcase who is trying to avoid a prison term by running for president, and someone normal. A prosecutor, no less.
You want to know why Trump spends so much time experimenting with new nicknames for Kamala that don’t stick? He’s a chicken shit, that’s why. He’s so afraid of her that he can’t find a way to bash her in public like he’s used to being able to do. So he picks on immigrants instead.
Want to know what his policy is about something? Anything? Immigrants. Real men know that’s idiotic.
Real men also support other real men who’ve been burned as contractors, like this guy:
Trump’s years of graft have finally caught up to him. Now that the legal system has finally found its way into the heart and soul of his very essence, the idea of a prosecutor of Kamala Harris’ caliber becoming president terrifies him. It’s the only reason he’s running for president. He’s not a real man, and he’s not a man’s man. He’s a sniveling drama queen.
But hey, even if you prefer subservient women, Kamala is still the right choice. If she doesn’t do what you want, you can vote her out.
Imagine how good that will feel.
Thank you for your time. Oh, and by the way, if you still insist on voting for Trump, you’re an idiot. I’ll close with this commercial narrated by Sam Elliott:
15a). Real men that are fathers with daughters, vote as if your daughters’ future depends on it, because it does.
Love every word of this!