Thanks! I don’t think I have an answer to the whys. I’m not a psychologist, but my personal theory is that he probably didn’t have access to AR type weapons as a kid, so he is doing this instead as an adult.
Thanks! I don’t think I have an answer to the whys. I’m not a psychologist, but my personal theory is that he probably didn’t have access to AR type weapons as a kid, so he is doing this instead as an adult.
Charles, Don’t even go there. I can only imagine the carnage from Miller with an AR-15 as an adolescent or adult. (The latter used as a marker of biological age, not maturity or brain development.)
My thoughts exactly, he won’t be the one pulling the trigger, he’ll help orchestrate federal troops to do it instead. I wonder if he was never invited to the beach parties or was to scared to go into the ocean and learn to surf, something made him feel left out. He’s definitely a worm!
Thanks! I don’t think I have an answer to the whys. I’m not a psychologist, but my personal theory is that he probably didn’t have access to AR type weapons as a kid, so he is doing this instead as an adult.
Jeezus that’s scary. And probably accurate. 😖
Charles, Don’t even go there. I can only imagine the carnage from Miller with an AR-15 as an adolescent or adult. (The latter used as a marker of biological age, not maturity or brain development.)
Or possibly just a self loathing Jew. Great piece!
My thoughts exactly, he won’t be the one pulling the trigger, he’ll help orchestrate federal troops to do it instead. I wonder if he was never invited to the beach parties or was to scared to go into the ocean and learn to surf, something made him feel left out. He’s definitely a worm!
Once again great writing Charles!
Thank you! I’d rather not think about the prospect of Miller at a beach party! :-)