I too received my very own personal email from Joe regarding Medicare Open Enrollment. Of course I was ecstatic, believing and knowing I am a very special person and only I could have received an email straight from Joe’s keyboard. That Medicare email address must have just been a glitch in the Ethernet.
I too received my very own personal email from Joe regarding Medicare Open Enrollment. Of course I was ecstatic, believing and knowing I am a very special person and only I could have received an email straight from Joe’s keyboard. That Medicare email address must have just been a glitch in the Ethernet.
In all seriousness and after having Charles here bust my special bubble because he too and probably others received an email from Joe pretending to be the Medicare email server, I’m expecting the Part D premium shoe to drop on that too good to be true $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap. I’ve already received notice from my Part D insurance provider in not too opaque code that premiums will be going up. Someone hasn’t to pay for the over $2,000 prescriptions.
So give it a month or two for Seniors with Part D to hear from their insurance provider on premiums and formularies for 2025 and when they see the premium jump and the restricted formulary, there will be screams, which corporate media will certainly carry as “Biden’s Medicare Drug Caps Spikes Premiums” headlines. Only negative spin; but no worries, I’m sure the other guy has a concept of a plan on how to fix that. That rally speech will get big headlines. But at least I don’t get emails from him.
We need to get private insurance companies out of Medicare, but one problem at a time. We can't pressure Kamala Harris to work on that if she doesn't win. :-)
I just got a notice today that my Part D premium is going up from $ .40 to $17.40. Yes, I’m at an unbelievable 40 cents a month this year, and I don’t mind the increase. My meds, except for one, cost me nothing.
I don’t think any of my Part D letter plan choices were ever that cheap. I never reach the deductible. One prescription, it’s generic. Signed up at 65 to avoid later in life late signup penalties. I live in we-can-gouge-you-because-we-can-and-everyone-does-it-too California.
I too received my very own personal email from Joe regarding Medicare Open Enrollment. Of course I was ecstatic, believing and knowing I am a very special person and only I could have received an email straight from Joe’s keyboard. That Medicare email address must have just been a glitch in the Ethernet.
In all seriousness and after having Charles here bust my special bubble because he too and probably others received an email from Joe pretending to be the Medicare email server, I’m expecting the Part D premium shoe to drop on that too good to be true $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap. I’ve already received notice from my Part D insurance provider in not too opaque code that premiums will be going up. Someone hasn’t to pay for the over $2,000 prescriptions.
So give it a month or two for Seniors with Part D to hear from their insurance provider on premiums and formularies for 2025 and when they see the premium jump and the restricted formulary, there will be screams, which corporate media will certainly carry as “Biden’s Medicare Drug Caps Spikes Premiums” headlines. Only negative spin; but no worries, I’m sure the other guy has a concept of a plan on how to fix that. That rally speech will get big headlines. But at least I don’t get emails from him.
We need to get private insurance companies out of Medicare, but one problem at a time. We can't pressure Kamala Harris to work on that if she doesn't win. :-)
Start with Part C Medicare Disadvantage Plans. They need to go. Period.
I just got a notice today that my Part D premium is going up from $ .40 to $17.40. Yes, I’m at an unbelievable 40 cents a month this year, and I don’t mind the increase. My meds, except for one, cost me nothing.
I don’t think any of my Part D letter plan choices were ever that cheap. I never reach the deductible. One prescription, it’s generic. Signed up at 65 to avoid later in life late signup penalties. I live in we-can-gouge-you-because-we-can-and-everyone-does-it-too California.
Like I mentioned to Michael above, we do need to get private insurers out of Medicare, IMO. But we need Kamala to win, first.
I haven't received an increase notice yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough.
I agree. I’m for Medicare for All. I would never willingly switch to Medicare Advantage.