I say go back to the tax rate that JFK had and the rich didn’t go broke. They were still wealthy. All those tax cuts and tax breaks for billionaires and corporations, only created more wealth for billionaires and the corporations. We don’t need more rich people. The one percenters should pay the fair share. Math is a wonderful thing. The universal language.

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

I have always found the comment “We can’t afford it.” to be ludicrous. Of course we can and must or our future generations will pay a steep price to simply survive.

Our capitalist culture has created a ‘must have’ society. Getting rid of stuff consumes us. Media celebrates the rich. We have a lot to change in order to learn to contribute to a better society. Paying our share and learning the value of it is a worthwhile and necessary place to start.

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Beautifully put Marie. There have been so many cultures that lived as you suggest and so many Americans who had the entire world in their hands only to make sure everyone got a piece and left them with only what they needed to be happy. As Charles Bastille points out, the subtle shifts in taxation, deregulation, and finally the law have allowed our greed and pleasure centers to take over in a large segment of our people in the top 1.0% of incomes (over $670,000/yr several years ago). What Charles only alluded to was just how capitalism and consumerism are linked and how, if unchecked, they will absolutely destroy the planet and mankind. So, there are a lot of concerns and it all comes down to going nothing-but-Blue in November and then saving us all from the greedy, together.

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

How about taxing the morbidly rich more equitably for starters??

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Sep 15Liked by Charles Bastille

Your Substack is wonderfully entertaining while also being informative. Thank you Charles!

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Thank you so much for the kind words. I greatly appreciate your readership!!!

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Sep 17Liked by Charles Bastille

Wow, I have rarely seen such a thorough evisceration of the Republican agenda. This probably could have been the separate posts, honestly. Well said, though.

I would note that, while far from perfect, the Democrats have only had full control with the 60 senate seats needed to get past the filibuster for 4 months since Carter. Change can’t happen until we get that. 2026 is going to be just as important as this election.

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Thanks a lot. Yeah, it was a bit long, lol.

You're right about the Senate. Dems will be lucky to do 50-50, but I do think the polls are not fully reflecting Kamala's strength. Dems should retake the House, but who knows? Americans don't exactly vote in their bests interests.

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Supply side is the greatest flim flam in history. To answer your question, you could start by cutting all the subsidies to the big corporations like energy.

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Beautifully written and oh so correct. I appreciate the way you tied so many easily mistaken to be separate issues together. Just like back in grad school political science class!

There has always been plenty of money in the world’s wealthiest country. You just have to pry it out of the greediest people’s hands that the world has ever seen.

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Thanks! I’m impressed by how many people have responded with the simple, “Get it out of the filthy rich’s hands.” Could have save me some time if I had just said that, but of course, I feel like people forget that we have done that, successfully, before. Not perfectly, of course (lots of loopholes), but…

Thanks again!

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

Thanks. We have $150 Trillion in net household wealth. Net. We have the wealth, and then some.

I *never* hear this: <uswealthclock.com> ( Q2 update in progress . . . )

That number increased $70 Trillion in the past 10 years. Our federal obligations increased $17 Trillion in that time.

$70T v $17T - one is bigger.

$84T is scheduled to be given to heirs in the next 20 years. Our federal obligations are at $35 Trillion.

$84T v $35T - one is bigger.

1776 - ‘ . . . we pledge . . . our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.’

2026 is almost here, 250 years . . . ! Who will we be, what will we celebrate, and who will be celebrating ?

We can fix this, and spread prosperity to almost every US citizen, if we vote D.

Let’s get outta R, and shift it into D ! Forward !

there is much more, yet able to be said succinctly — best luck to US — b.rad

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

I’m not a fan of increasing the deficit. But I think it would be prudent to point out that trump’s policies would be 5x greater deficit spending according to Wharton economists.

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Just as long as we all understand that the deficit has never been the problem. It has only been a symptom of the problem.

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Sep 15Liked by Charles Bastille

I sent to daughter and grandson after I read, so we all can learn a bit more. Thank you Sir for the lesson.

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Thank you!

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Sep 15Liked by Charles Bastille

Saving to refer to when the complaining about helping out those who need it begins! Thank you!

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Right now they seem too busy making up weird stories, but thanks! good to have arrows in the quiver.

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Sep 15Liked by Charles Bastille

Truth right there!

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Sep 15Liked by Charles Bastille

You are doing one hell of a great job writing about this. Thanks. I’m sharing repeatedly.


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Thank you!! :-)

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Sep 17Liked by Charles Bastille

So, why don’t we propose the Reagan tax rate? When the right complains it’s too high, we just say it’s what Saint Ronnie proposed, which they always claim was the greatest economy ever.

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Even nudging it that high would help, absolutely. Gotta start somewhere.

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

Taxes. Fees. Fines.

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

Easy Have the ultra Rich pay their fair share

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Sep 16Liked by Charles Bastille

Thank you for this illuminating post. It counters the how-are-we . . . knee jerk response. And it is accessible!

Well done!

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Thank you!

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