So the man and pink jogging tights woman don’t make eye contact at first. But maybe when they agree to coffee or at the bottom of butt slide incline? Please tell me she has large dark ebony eyes. Deep. Mysterious.
Free suggestion. I don’t charge unlike your editor.
So the man and pink jogging tights woman don’t make eye contact at first. But maybe when they agree to coffee or at the bottom of butt slide incline? Please tell me she has large dark ebony eyes. Deep. Mysterious.
Free suggestion. I don’t charge unlike your editor.
Me editor is an idiot. But he works for free and is either my doppelganger or my clone. And yes, I should have something about the eyes. Very much a work in progress, but that would be a good addition, especially in a story like this, thanks!
So the man and pink jogging tights woman don’t make eye contact at first. But maybe when they agree to coffee or at the bottom of butt slide incline? Please tell me she has large dark ebony eyes. Deep. Mysterious.
Free suggestion. I don’t charge unlike your editor.
Me editor is an idiot. But he works for free and is either my doppelganger or my clone. And yes, I should have something about the eyes. Very much a work in progress, but that would be a good addition, especially in a story like this, thanks!