Thank you for putting this together. I remember all this, but I hadn’t realized how many times orange man told us it would all be fine. First class (expletive deleted). I also remember the people in hospitals and nursing homes who sickened and died alone. It was horrible. Also remember the doctors and nurses who worked without adequate PPE in the face of so much death. And when it should have been getting better his anti-vaxxer nonsense led to so many extra deaths. I remember too the doctors and nurses sleeping in their cars so they could work a the hospitals but not bring home the virus to their families. The pain and fear was real. Trying to find a bubble so you weren’t entirely alone for months on end.

Trump’s people became a test tube for new variants to breed and transform. Now we will be taking COVID boosters forever, except for MAzGA who still won’t do the right thing.

And good old Trump telling people he didn’t like masks as his whole White House got sick, and so did he. But he got the best treatment which is not available for the average citizen. So he could say, despite being a lot sicker than he let on, that it could be fought.

I remember the phone call from my father’s nursing home wheee he was recovering from pneumonia calling to tell me they had forty cases in their small outfit, and they wanted me to get him out of there. So I ended up paying an arm and a leg for him to recover in a private facility.

I remember.

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Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment!

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Thank you. This is so important. It is tragic, but you have really brought it back squarely. Everyone needs to read this. There will be more pandemics (and more hurricanes) and lots of people will die if fools are elected.

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CFDT’s word phrases and sentence structure in 2020 was already at the level of a seven year old with a limited vocabulary.

The stock rat photo is way too cute. CFDT and MAGAts should have the snarling toothy oversized rat with a long tail. An angry face reminiscent of Kavanaugh’s during his senate confirmation hearing and a long tail symbolizing CFDT’s tie length.

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You’re right about the phrasing. He makes even less sense today.

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That was Trump as a baby. All babies are cute. :-)

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Except him. Hell, he probably fondled his own mother on the way out.

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Very very good info.

I took grandkids out of school Feb 11 2020 . Because of knowing what Corona virus did to my Beagles kennel in 1992. My brother in law died of Covid 12-25-19 . Our whole family cancelled Xmas in 2019 because we were all sick ...yet none of us had seen one another since Xmas if 2018....relatives in N. Calif ....Washington ..

Oregon and Central California . So if we figured this out ...why did tRump try to hide it ? He's a cruel ,hideous lier , and narcissist who didn't care about anything but the way he looked . Why would any political party allow him to be in charge of any other humans (or animals) ever again ?

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Wow, interesting story about the Beagles kennel. I wish I could answer your questions, or why 30-40% of the country wants to return to those days of constant anger tweets from a madman.

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Charles, thank you for this reminder. When I read last fall that fewer than 25% of people over 65 had gotten that year’s Covid vaccine, I was appalled. Had they already forgotten? They can’t all be Trump supporters who drank the antivax Koolaid. I’d be the first to say I never met a vaccine I didn’t like, but I nearly died as an infant from measles and I went to school with kids paralyzed by polio. We are now seeing a small uptick in cases of polio and whooping cough in places that don’t usually have it and I’m sure more is to come.

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Thank you! I have so many vaxxes in my body I may be a walking mRNA test tube, lol.

And yes, you're right about the uptick on disease, partly because of anti-vax campaigns, for sure.

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Thank you for this. As a former public health professional I watched it all unfold with my jaw on the floor. Now if someone would add on to this timeline of horrors tales from the rest of his term as “boy president” it would be a very long report.

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Thank you for the reminder, but let's not try for any ironery of a second term for the orange pendejo. The first was bad enough 😪.

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Thanks Charles,

I’ve been procrastinating on writing a similar, but personal timeline using notes from my journal. I did lockdown in N. Thailand. My friends warned me I was flying into the eye of the storm, initially, but I said if we’re going to die I want to be with my family. This turned out to be a pretty good decision and as airlines canceled all flights the country waived and extended our visa requirements.

I’m vaxed and up to six boosters, have had the bug at least twice for sure but nothing life threatening thanks to the vaccine. Planning to get a booster next month.

Really enjoying your writing, thank you for sharing. Haven’t tackled your vampire series yet, “Dark Shawdos” was always to confusing for me back when that TV program ran!

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Thank you! I don’t think you’ll find Psalm of Vampires confusing but who knows? I forgot all about Dark Shadows. I watched that in my youth.

I hope you do write about the stuff in your journal. I’d love to read it. Thanks again.

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Wow this is an excellent analysis. Seeing it all in print like that is overwhelming because it triggers such an intense anxiety. Those days were nightmare fuel and I also cannot believe anyone wants to hand that man the keys to the white house and the nuclear codes again. I will never be able to understand if because it is the definition of insanity. I think the pandemic literally broke so many brains irretrievably.

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